The Ten (or Twelve) Rules for Making Great Radio

October 20, 2005 4:50pm - 7:45pm

Gary Covino, Rebecca Perl: You may have done excellent reporting work and have a great story to tell, but if you don’t use the powerful inherent methods and techniques of radio, your report will likely go in one of your listeners’ ears and out the other.

In this media-saturated age, when audiences are constantly bombarded by electronic information, how can you do radio stories that will stay with your listeners for more than a few seconds: radio that will remain in their minds—and perhaps touch their hearts? In this workshop, investigative reporter Rebecca Perl and producer Gary Covino will let you in on some of their secrets. They’ll demonstrate how to do radio that goes beyond the standard fare. Using lots of examples from their own award-winning work, they’ll show how to come up with great story ideas, get great sound, do great interviews—and then take all that great material and actually make it into the kind of radio that people will want to hear.

Gary Covino
Rebecca Perl